June 3: Water Found OK, Maria and Sarah in Horsham June 6th

Water Found OK, Boil Order Lifted

Democratic Member of Horsham Council Bill Gallagher confirmed today at the Executive Meeting of the Horsham Democratic Committee that no contamination in Horsham Water was found after a series of tests ordered when the chlorination unit at one of the Horsham wells was found to be not operating. 

As described in this article, the Boil Water Order was lifted as soon as the tests came back negative, to the relief of many residents and businesses. 

Horsham Day was a casualty of the water situation as well: Horsham Day itself was cancelled due to the water crisis and a very poor weather outlook. By the end of Saturday, with little precipitation and the Boil Water Order cancelled, things were looking better, but it was by all accounts an extremely difficult week for the township and water authority staff. 

Horsham Day Fireworks, cancelled for yesterday, will be rescheduled for another time. 

HDC Reorganization

Now that the elected members of the Horsham Committee have been confirmed, the local committee must 'reorganize', as leaving committee members complete their terms and new committee members are brought on board. The Horsham Democratic Committee will hold its reorganization meeting on June 5th, 2018, at the Yuong Sang Presbyterian Church, 706 Witmer Road, in Horsham, at 7PM. This meeting, following the Primary election, will formally invest the committee members for the next four year period. 
As part of the Reorganization Process we will accept NOMINATIONS for the positions on the Committee, including Chair, Vice Chair, Second Vice Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary by Email to [email protected]. Nominations will open on May 16 and close on June 4th at 5PM.
Our current executive, as shown on our website at http://www.horshamdems.org/committee_leadership is as follows: 

Malcolm Stanley - Chair
Peggy Leiby - Treasurer
Lisa Cellini - Secretary
Natasha Malhotra Bagchi - Diversity
Mike Rodin - Phone Bank
Patrick Costello - Area 6

Support Maria Collett and Sara Johnson Rothman in Horsham!

We need to take back Harrisburg seat by seat and we have a great opportunity to Turn PA Blue this November! Please join hosts Jill Zipin and Ellen Brookstein on June 6 and meet two amazing candidates who will help us do just that: Maria Collett (PA Senate District 12) and Sara Johnson Rothman (PA House District 151).
When: Wednesday, June 6 at 7 PM - 8:30 PM
Where: 706 Presidential Dr, Horsham, PA 19044-1110, United States
Suggested Donation Levels: $50 - $100 - $250 - $500 - $1000
RSVP: secure.actblue.com/donate/zipinjune
Questions: [email protected]

MCDC Reorganization

MCDC sent us the following message this week: 
Congratulations on your election or reelection as a committee person for your precinct!  You and your fellow committee people are the backbone of our Montgomery County Democratic Party!.  Now it is time to elect your MCDC leadership for the next term. Please attend MCDC’s Reorganization Convention held Tuesday, 12 June, at Montgomery County Community College with sign-in beginning at 6:30 PM and the meeting starting at 7:30 PM.
Due to scheduling conflicts some elected members of the Horsham Democratic Committee cannot attend the MCDC Reorganization meeting on June 12. If you would like to attend as a proxy holder, please reply and let us know, so we can organize a proxy for you and make sure you have any required details.

Schedule for Horsham Democratic Committee Meetings

After June 5th, Horsham Democratic Committee meetings will be held on the third Tuesday of every month until the General Election: July 17, August 21, September 18, and October 16. All Meetings will be held at the Yuong Sang Presbyterian  Church on Witmer Road beginning at 7PM. 

All of our meetings are now posted on our Facebook Page and on our website. Please RSVP, like, and share them with your friends!

Schedule for HDC Executive Committee Meetings

NOTE: There will be NO Executive Committee Meeting this coming Sunday, June 10, 2018.

The executive committee will be meeting regularly through the summer every Sunday am at 8am, at Peggy Leiby's barn, which is located at 524 Cedar Hill Road. Executive Committee meetings are where we plan events, coordinate activities, and set the direction for the committee. We never have enough people to do all that needs to be done, so all are welcome to attend.

Forward This Email

Do you know someone who may be interested in helping elect Democratic candidates? Please forward this email to them, or have them visit our website at http://www.horshamdems.org/help_out to opt in to our emails and get more involved.


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