Committee List

Here is our list of Committee People (elected members) of the Horsham Democratic Committee. We also have Deputy Committee People who are part of our precinct "teams".

Let us know if you'd like to hear more about becoming a Committee Person or Deputy CP [email protected]

To contact anyone in this list please send an email to [email protected]

Horsham 1-1 Rich Gardner
Horsham 1-1  
Horsham 1-2 Alan McPeak
Horsham 1-2  
Horsham 1-3 David Brown
Horsham 1-3 Patrick Costello
Horsham 1-4 Ellen Zschunke
Horsham 1-4 Barbara Lawson
Horsham 1-5 Catherine Leven
Horsham 1-5  
Horsham 2-1 Theresa Brown
Horsham 2-1 Kelly Colleen Snyder
Horsham 2-2 Diane Rigotti
Horsham 2-2 Janet Ahern
Horsham 2-3 Daniel Gargel
Horsham 2-3 Rachel Lindy
Horsham 2-4 Charles Horner
Horsham 2-4 Linda Massa
Horsham 3-1 Rachel Peters
Horsham 3-1 Danette Richards
Horsham 3-2  
Horsham 3-2  
Horsham 3-3 Karyn Bonner
Horsham 3-3 Melissa Cerrato
Horsham 3-4 Amy Clevinger
Horsham 3-4  
Horsham 3-5  
Horsham 3-5  
Horsham 4-1 Jane Beier
Horsham 4-1 Ali Roy
Horsham 4-2 Jan Enger
Horsham 4-2  
Horsham 4-3 Peggy Leiby
Horsham 4-3 Ret Turner
Horsham 4-4 Brian Veasy
Horsham 4-4 Laura Restrepo
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