On Wednesday, June 14, at 8:00 PM the Horsham Township Council will consider and may vote on a resolution supporting efforts in Harrisburg to reform the way Congressional and State Legislative districts are drawn, ending political gerrymandering in Pennsylvania.
Please attend this meeting at the Township Building, 1025 Horsham Road, to show your support for this bi-partisan effort.
Whether or not you can attend, please take a minute to let Council know you support redistricting reform. Email Council President, Deborah Tustin at [email protected] and Township Manager William Walker at [email protected] and tell them you support the RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF A CITIZENS COMMISSION FOR LEGISLATIVE AND CONGRESSIONAL REDISTRICTING.
We in Horsham know the adverse effects of gerrymandering all too well. Our township is in two Congressional districts. Montgomery County is divided into slivers among 5 Congressional districts and in no district are Montgomery County residents a majority. None of those Congressional representatives reside in the county.
For more information on gerrymandering and what you can do to end it, click here