Candidate Reveal Kicks off 2019 Horsham Elections

Here is what you need to know right now:

Candidate Reveal Party and Campaign Fundraiser

Horsham Democratic Committee is hosting a Candidate Reveal Party and Fundraiser on January 31st at the Ukrainian Sports Club - Tryzub located at 1 Lower State Road at County Line Road. The event will run from 6PM - 9PM.

At this event we will be introducing two candidates for Horsham Council, as well as a candidate for Hatboro-Horsham School Board. Valerie Arkoosh and Ken Lawrence, running for re-election as Montgomery County Commissioners, will also be attending.

Horsham has two council positions up for election this year. With two Democratic councillors already elected, it is possible to swing Horsham council from red to blue, but we cannot do it without supporting our candidates in the Primary and through the Municipal Election. 

Tickets are available on our website at, or at the door. Please RSVP, purchase tickets, share this event with your friends, and bring as many people as possible. An early show of support will enable our candidates to move forward confidently. Let's fill the room and show them Horsham is behind them.





2019 Key Dates

Below is the calendar from the PA Department of State for the 2019 Municipal Elections.

The important take-aways from this schedule for our Horsham election plan  are these: 

  • Our first task will be to introduce our candidates to the Horsham community
  • We must get petitions completed to get their names on the Primary Ballot
  • We must Get Out The Vote for the Primary Election on May 21

The first task will be accomplished at our candidate reveal party on January 31st. 

We will be asking everyone to come together and help us gather petition signatures for our candidates. Petition period this year is from February 19 to March 12. There will be many opportunities to gather signatures, with door to door canvassing activities as well as organized petition parties.

Petition signing activities set us up well for GOTV activities. We will be communicating dates and activities for this soon and look forward to seeing you at our activities and events.

If for some reason you cannot participate in our activities, you can still support the Horsham Democratic Committee in our efforts to elect Democratic Candidates. Elections are costly and even a small contribution can make a big difference. Please make a donation today to support our candidates and our efforts to elect them.



PA Schools Work to Keynote Horsham Dems February Meeting

Join us on February 19th for our Monthly public meeting of the Horsham Democratic Committee.

Our agenda includes presentations by candidates for public office, updates by elected officials, and practical information for committee members and guests.

This month our keynote presentation is provided by Tomea A. Sippio-Smith, K-12 Policy Director, Public Citizens for Children and Youth, representing Pa Schools Work- A coalition of organizations from across PA representing teachers and other educators; urban, suburban, and rural communities; and parents and other community members working together for advocate for more state funding for K-12 public school education. This campaign builds on the work of the Campaign for Fair Educational Funding, the effort that was instrumental in gaining support for bipartisan enactment to a fair funding formula in 2016.

Following the keynote, we will be providing training on how to properly gather petition signatures for candidates who wish to be on the ballot in the upcoming primary election.

This gathering will be hosted at the Yuong Sang Presbyterian Church on Witmer Road in Horsham, beginning at 7PM.

Horsham Dems 2019 Meeting Schedule

Horsham Democratic Committee meets on the third Tuesday of each month. Our agenda includes presentations by candidates for public office, updates by elected officials, and practical information for committee members and guests. Our 2019 meeting schedule is as follows: 

February 19th
March 19th
April 16th
May 21st (also Primary Election day, so this may turn into an after-party, stay tuned!)
June 18th
July 16th
August 20th
September 17th
October 15th
November 19th - This will be a post-election Celebration and Volunteer Appreciation event

All of our regular meetings are hosted at the Yuong Sang Presbyterian Church on Witmer Road in Horsham, beginning at 7PM. You can find our complete event listing on Facebook here.

If for some reason you cannot participate in our activities, you can still support the Horsham Democratic Committee in our efforts to elect Democratic Candidates. Elections are costly and even a small contribution can make a big difference. Please make a donation today to support our candidates and our efforts to elect them.



Community Events

CeaseFirePA's Rally for Action in Harrisburg

Join CeaseFirePA on January 29th as we rally at the Capitol to remind the General Assembly that gun violence has not taken a break and that citizens across the Commonwealth are ready for legislative action. Follow the link to sign up for a seat on the bus!

Update on Medicare for All
Monday, February 11, 2019 at 7 PM – 9 PM at the Horsham Public Library

Caryn Leifer, representing National Nurses United, will be providing an update on the status of proposed legislation by Representative Pramila Jayapal, D Washington, for Medicare 4 all (universal health care) Previously this has been listed as HR676. She has not yet reintroduced the bill and therefore it has no number and not sure of committee assignment as of now. We will also discuss its relationship to ACA.

Fair Districts Volunteer Update - Public Welcome
Wednesday, February 20, 2019 at 7 PM – 9 PM at the Horsham Public Library

Fair Districts' Kate Doyle and Rich Rafferty will provide updates on 2019 Redistricting Reform legislation strategy, current legislation status with local legislators and key Harrisburg leaders and our plans for continued citizen outreach in Montgomery County and Southeast PA. We will also focus on what individual Fair Districts volunteers can do to keep our legislators aware of the urgent need for Redistricting Reform in 2019


That's all we have for right now. Please forward this to your friends, save the dates, and contact us at [email protected] if you have questions or would like to volunteer!

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