Are you concerned about water quality in Horsham? Would you like to have more direct input into the decisions that are being made that directly affect the health and finances of you and your family?
What about the plans to commercially develop areas of Horsham? Have lots of questions you wish you could more directly get answers to? Ever thought, or said, that you could do a better job than the people currently in charge?
What if, instead of asking for answers, you could become one of the people with the answers? Wouldn't that be great?
Well guess what? You can.
Horsham Services like Water & Sewage, Commercial Development, the Public Library, and the preservation of places of Historical significance are overseen by Boards and Commissions that advise and in many cases directly oversee these activities. Several of these boards and commissions now have vacancies that must be filled. The application process is simple:
- write a letter of interest
- print out your resume
- mail them or drop them off at the Township Office, currently located at 1025 Horsham Road.
These opportunities are not widely advertised by the current council, but we have learned the following important positions are open:
Horsham Water and Sewer Authority: 5 Year Term
The meetings are held at the Authority Building, 617 Horsham Road, on the second and fourth Monday of every month at 7:30 P.M. (215) 672-8011. The Horsham Township Sewer Authority was created in 1963 and comprises seven residents of the Township who are appointed by Council.
They are organized under the Municipalities Act of 1945, for the purpose of constructing or otherwise providing the facilities necessary to furnish sewage disposal in Horsham. The authority presently owns one sewage treatment plant. It has entered into various agreements with the Upper Moreland/Hatboro Joint Sewer Authority concerning the sewage treatment in the eastern portion of Horsham.
In 1997, the articles of incorporation were amended so as to designate this authority to also provide water to the township. Their commitment enabled the consolidation of the former water authority.
The Horsham Watwer and Sewer Authority Board meets on the 2nd & 4th Mon. of each month at 7:30PM at the Water and Sewer Authority offices at 617 Horsham Road.

Industry and Commercial Development Authority: 5 Year Term
The Industrial and Commercial Development Authority was established in 1977 and consists of residents appointed by Council. They are governed by the provisions of the industrial and commercial development authority laws.
This authority exists and operates for the purpose of alleviating unemployment, maintaining employment at a high level and creating and developing business opportunities by construction, improvement, rehabilitation, revitalizing and financing of industrial, commercial, manufacturing, and research and development enterprises
The Industrial and Commercial Development Authority meets on an as-needed basis
Historical Advisory Committee: 5 Year Term
The Historical Commission comprises five residents who are appointed by Council. Its purpose is to advise Council in identifying and preserving historical sites, buildings, papers, documents and relics of historical significance to Horsham Township.
The Historical Commission meets on an as-needed basis
Library Board of Directors: 3 Year Term
The Library Board was established in October of 2002 to work with the Township Council to administer the affairs of the free, public, non-sectarian library under the provisions of the Library Code, the Act of June 14, 1961, P.L. 324, (24 P.S. 4401) as amended.
The Library Board of Directors meets on an as-needed basis.
These positions will be filled in a council meeting soon, so do not wait to apply. This is your opportunity to be a part of the solution. If you have any questions about these positions, what they entail, or how to go about applying, please email us at [email protected].