Horsham National Night Out
- National Night Out 2018 will be held on Tuesday, August 7 from 6:00 PM -9:00 PM at the Horsham Township Library and Simmons Elementary School complex at 411-435 Babylon Road, Horsham, PA 19044.
- National Night Out 2018 will be followed by the annual Horsham Township Firework Display, that was cancelled earlier in the year.
- 2018 National Night Out Event Map
The First Tuesday of August, the Horsham Police Department holds their annual National Night Out celebration. The FREE event, held at Simmons Elementary School, allows residents to explore various Police, Fire and EMS apparatus with hands-on tours of police cars, fire trucks and ambulance. Music, moon bounces, car show, display booths and demonstrations are just a few highlights of this family fun event!
Upcoming Township Meetings
There are two meetings this week:
- The Horsham Planning Commission will meet on Tuesday night at 7PM.
- Horsham Council will meet on Wednesday night at 8PM. The Horsham Council Meeting agenda is here: https://www.horsham.org/docview.aspx?doctype=agenda&docid=10643 and includes an update on the Water situation.
Both meetings will be held at the Horsham Township Library on Babylon Road.
Donate to the Horsham Democratic Committee
Donations are welcome via our website at https://horshamdems.nationbuilder.com/donate. Money donated now will be used to help elect Democratic Candidates in the elections this fall, and in the Township and School Board elections in 2019.
500+ Doors Knocked During Door to Door Horsham Voter Outreach Event Aug 4th
Madeleine Dean, recently endorsed by President Barack Obama as a candidate in the 4th Congressional District, is shown here canvassing with Sara Rothman Johnson in Horsham on August 4th. The event was kicked off by Governor Martin O'Malley, who greeted an enthusiastic crowd with an upbeat speech and ended by playing the guitar...
The campaigns today told us that more than 500 doors were knocked during this event. Another door to door activity is planned for the weekend of August 18/19. Please look out for more details!
Democrats and Doggies at the Horsham Dog Park, August 4th
After the Door to Door voter outreach event, Horsham Dems had a picnic to thank the walkers for their efforts. The event was held at the dog park and furry friends were welcomed. Here are some of the people who attended: as you can see, a great time was had by all.
We are looking for Candidates for School Board and Town Council
The 2019 Municipal and School Board elections are a little more than 14 months away. If you are thinking of running, or know someone who would be a good candidate, now is the time to come forward and begin to prepare. Campaigns will kick off shortly after the November Mid-Term election. There has never been a better time to run for office in Horsham. Will you make a difference?
Richard Buttacavoli, Vice-Chair, Montgomery County LGBT Business Council, will speak at our August 21st Meeting
The Mission of the Montgomery County LGBT Business Council is to create networking, social and business opportunities for LGBT business professionals and allies in Montgomery County. Their vision is to provide support to the Montgomery County business community through education, training, professional development, policy advocacy and adaptation to ensure that workplace environments are welcoming and inclusive regardless of sexual orientations and gender identities.
Richard will discuss LGBT Issues and Initiatives in Montgomery County. All are invited to attend. The meeting will be held at the Yuong Sang Presbyterian Church on Witmer Road beginning at 7PM.
Horsham Democratic Committee Announces Kyle Bagenstose as Speaker for September 25th Meeting
Kyle Bagenstose is an environmental reporter on The Intelligencer's investigative team. He also writes for the Bucks County Courier Times and covers environmental issues in Bucks and eastern Montgomery Counties. For the past two years he has extensively covered major drinking water contamination along the BuxMont border stemming from the use of firefighting foams at area military bases. He also regularly writes on pollution, development, industry, wildlife, and environmental policy issues. He has won 10 journalism awards in the past two years, including a national award for in-depth reporting from the Society of Environmental Journalists.
Horsham Democratic Committee Announces Howard H. Covitz Ph.D. A.B.P.P. as Speaker for October 16th Meeting
Howard H. Covitz Ph.D. A.B.P.P. is a contributor to the bestselling book "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President" (Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/Dangerous-Case-Donald-Trump-Psychiatrists-ebook/dp/B07262SJDC/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1533522789&sr=1-1).
Forward This Email
Do you know someone who may be interested in helping us elect Democratic candidates? Please forward this email to them, or have them visit our website at http://www.horshamdems.org/help_out to opt in to our emails and get more involved.
- Madeleine Dean was endorsed by President Barack Obama this week as part of his first wave of endorsements.https://twitter.com/BarackObama/status/1024691241093607425
- Senator Elizabeth Warren endorsed Scott Wallace this week in his run for the House of Representatives in the U.S. 1st District. http://www.buckscountycouriertimes.com/news/20180803/sen-elizabeth-warren-endorses-scott-wallace
Upcoming Campaign Events
- You may have seen the recent article about texting to build support for candidates Will U Vote 4 Sara and Maria? Stay tuned, because in the next few weeks you will have a chance to use your computer to text for our candidates.
Texting has proven to be very effective in recent elections in getting out the vote. If you have some time and want to try out texting from your computer, tablet or smart phone, check this out. https://red2blue.org/texting/. It’s easy to do (not at all techy), training is provided, and the texts don’t come from your number. You can squeeze texting in throughout the day, when it works for you. Register now and be ready to text for Sara and Maria.
Want to canvass during the week? Sara Johnson Rothman (HD-151) and Maria Collett (SD-12) are canvassing during the week from now until November! Canvassing now is the best way to reach voters and build name recognition for our great candidates. There will be lots of opportunities to canvass in Horsham. If you are interested, click https://saraforstaterep.com/volunteer/ or https://www.mariaforpasenate.com/send-email .
Are you interested in writing Postcards for Candidates? It’s never too early! Let’s make sure we have postcards done for all candidates who need them by November! Volunteers can sign up through this link https://actionnetwork.org/forms/volunteer-to-write-postcards-to-help-turn-pa-blue?source=email&
Bruce Haines is having an event in Conshy on August 16th:
You have now have more time to register for our next Cabinet in Your Community Event in the Southeast region. Our new date is August 22nd at Montgomery County Community College.
This event will bring members of the Governor’s Cabinet to speak with the public at a townhall like format. The event is FREE and open to the public. If you are interested in participating, please reply to [email protected] to request a registration form.
Schedule for Horsham Democratic Committee Meetings
Horsham Democratic Committee meetings will usually be held on the third Tuesday of every month until the General Election: August 21, EXCEPTION: Tuesday, Sept 25 (to avoid conflicting with Yom Kippur on our regular 3rd Tuesday date, the 18th), and October 16. All Meetings will be held at the Yuong Sang Presbyterian Church on Witmer Road beginning at 7PM.
All of our meetings are now posted on our Facebook Page and on our website. Please RSVP, like, and share them with your friends!
Schedule for HDC Executive Committee Meetings
The executive committee will be meeting through the summer every Sunday am at 8am, at Peggy Leiby's barn, which is located at 524 Cedar Hill Road. Executive Committee meetings are where we plan events, coordinate activities, and set the direction for the committee. We never have enough people to do all that needs to be done, so all are welcome to attend.