Did you know there are only about 700 more registered Republicans than Democrats in Horsham?
Did you know that in the school board election 4 years ago, it would only have taken 900 more votes for a Democrat to have won a seat?
So if you think a Democrat will never win in Horsham, it’s time to think again. In 2013, only about 1,600 Democrats went to the polls, compared with over 5,300 last year. For Jennifer Wilson to win in November, we need to get a good number of those who normally sit out off-year elections to the polls.
How do we do that? By KNOCKING ON DOORS!!
Even with the rise of social media, the best way to get people motivated and to the polls is by door-to-door canvassing. If you want to DO SOMETHING NOW to change politics, then COMMIT to at least 2 hours of door-to-door canvassing between now and the election.
Better still, sign up for 3 shifts.
We will train you, provide you with a script and campaign literature and give you a territory with a list of carefully screened voters. Those 900 missing votes? That’s 50 votes in each of Horsham’s 18 precincts. The best way to get those votes is for YOU to SIGN UP to canvass.
Better still, get 4 others to join you.
We can’t elect a new President until 2020, or send a new Representative to Congress until 2018, but we CAN elect a Democrat to the School Board in 2017. It’s time to channel some of your energy and outrage to direct action that will lead to change now.
What can you do RIGHT NOW?
SIGN UP to canvass, and attend our Day of Action, Saturday, July 15. Hear from local Democrats, meet other volunteers, get trained to canvass and hit the streets and speak to your neighbors about the need for change in Horsham, starting with Jennifer Wilson for School Board. If you won’t do what it takes to change things, who will?