CeaseFire PA, Democrats and Doggies, and a Postcard Party
Here is what you need to know this week:
Postcard Party at Cellini Studios July 10th
Join us on July 10th at 7PM for a Postcard Party at Cellini Studios and Gallery, 113 Poplar Street 2nd floor, in Ambler. Horsham Democrats will be writing postcards for Sarah Rothman Johnson, Maria Collett, and sending welcome letters to newly registered Democrats in the Horsham Area. All are welcome to come and help! RSVP at https://business.facebook.com/events/223510315038923/
Summer Celebration Picnic on July 15
The Summer Celebration picnic is coming up FAST! Speakers have now been announced:
- Josh Shapiro, Attorney General of Pennsylvania
- Madeleine Dean, Congressional Candidate for Pennsylvania's 4th District
- Dr. Val Arkoosh, Chair of the Montgomery County Board of Commissioners
- Ken Lawrence, Vice Chair of the Montgomery County Board of Commissioners
ASL Interpretation is available for this event: please request by Friday, July 6th if you would like to take advantage of this availability.
Many people are helping out with this event. If you would like to help out by bringing food, helping to organize games, or in any other way, please visit the Signup Genius at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a0945ada8283-upper and let the organizers know!
Shira Goodman of CeaseFirePA to Keynote Horsham Dems Meeting July 17th
CeaseFirePA is a statewide organization working with mayors, police chiefs, faith leaders, community organizations, and individual Pennsylvanians to take a stand against gun violence. Through outreach, education, coalition building, and advocacy, CeaseFirePA works to reduce gun violence and gun tragedies in our communities, stop the flow of illegal guns onto our streets, and keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have them.
Shira Goodman is the Executive Director of CeasefirePA and was recently a primary candidate for the 4th PA Congressional District. On July 17th Shira will join us at our monthly Horsham Democratic Committee Public Meeting to discuss Gun Violence in PA and what you can do to help address it.
The meeting will be held at the Yuong Sang Presbyterian Church on Witmer Road beginning at 7PM. Please RSVP on our FB page at https://business.facebook.com/events/462285394224492/
Important EPA Meeting in Horsham July 25th
The EPA will hold an all-day event in Horsham, Pennsylvania on July 25, 2018 on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The event will include a working session in the morning, followed by a listening session. If you are interested in attending the event, please register here: https://www.epa.gov/pfas/forms/pfas-community-engagement-horsham-pa. Those interested in speaking should select the option to speak while registering. The event is open to the public and press.
Door to Door Horsham Voter Outreach Event Aug 4th
Door to Door Canvassing is the single most effective way to get out the vote and make sure that voters are informed about the issues and the candidates. Horsham Democrats will be walking door to door in Horsham Neighborhoods on August 4th from 12 Noon until 3PM. Meet at Peggy's barn, 524 Cedar Hill Road, for training, walk sheets, and candidate information. Walk in teams, engage with voters, make a direct impact in the upcoming election. Please RSVP at https://business.facebook.com/events/306856213189512/
Democrats and Doggies at the Horsham Dog Park, August 4th, 4PM - 7PM
It's the (hot) dog days of summer, so what better way to meet new and long time Democrats in Horsham than a BBQ at the dog park. Bring your fur baby and meet us in the early evening for hot dogs, a meet and greet with Democratic candidates, some serious tennis ball throwing, and a whole lot of fun.
Please RSVP at https://business.facebook.com/events/1899058453518642/, and leave a picture of your precious puppy in the comments!
Upcoming Campaign Events
Tuesday, July 10 (1pm) Texting Quality Control Training with Red2Blue
VOLUNTEER TEXTING LEADS NEEDED: Turn PA Blue is going to be doing a lot of texting for candidates in the coming months with our amazing partner Red2Blue. One of the most time-consuming but crucial aspects of our P2P texting program is quality control. If you are tech savvy, detail-oriented and committed to Turning PA Blue, this is the task for you! Specifically, we are looking to train more volunteers to review texters' conversations, give feedback to volunteers, and find abandoned conversations and reassign them. To join the training webinar, sign up here. If you are unable to participate but interested in learning more about how you can be a texting lead, email [email protected]. -
Sat. July 14 - Canvassing withMaria Collett (SD 12) For more info: https://goo.gl/EAWGst
- Sat. July 21 - Canvassing with Sara Johnson Rothman (HD 151) For more info: https://goo.gl/ce6fef
- Writing postcards to send to voters to inform them about candidates, upcoming elections, and other campaign activities is proving quite effective. Something you can do by yourself, or with friends. Write postcards from the comfort of your home on your own schedule. Please sign up here: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/volunteer-to-write-postcards-to-help-turn-pa-blue?source=email&
Schedule for Horsham Democratic Committee Meetings
Horsham Democratic Committee meetings will be held on the third Tuesday of every month until the General Election: July 17, August 21, September 18, and October 16. All Meetings will be held at the Yuong Sang Presbyterian Church on Witmer Road beginning at 7PM.
All of our meetings are now posted on our Facebook Page and on our website. Please RSVP, like, and share them with your friends!
Schedule for HDC Executive Committee Meetings
The executive committee will be meeting through the summer every Sunday am at 8am, at Peggy Leiby's barn, which is located at 524 Cedar Hill Road. Executive Committee meetings are where we plan events, coordinate activities, and set the direction for the committee. We never have enough people to do all that needs to be done, so all are welcome to attend.
Forward This Email
Do you know someone who may be interested in helping us elect Democratic candidates? Please forward this email to them, or have them visit our website at http://www.horshamdems.org/help_out to opt in to our emails and get more involved.
CeaseFirePA to attend July 17 Meeting and More...
Horsham "Families Belong Together" Event Draws 200!
About 200 people attended the 'Families Belong Together" rally Saturday at Kohler Park in Horsham.
The event was one of many hundreds of gatherings nationwide protesting the incarceration of children separated from their families at the U.S. Border.
The crowd heard from many speakers, including Madeleine Dean, the Democratic Candidate for the PA 4th Congressional District.
To see a photo album of the event, visit our website at http://www.horshamdems.org/families_belong_together_event_draws_200.
Summer Celebration Picnic on July 15
The Summer Celebration picnic is coming up FAST! Speakers have now been announced:
- Josh Shapiro, Attorney General of Pennsylvania
- Madeleine Dean, Congressional Candidate for Pennsylvania's 4th District
- Dr. Val Arkoosh, Chair of the Montgomery County Board of Commissioners
- Ken Lawrence, Vice Chair of the Montgomery County Board of Commissioners
ASL Interpretation is available for this event: please request by Friday, July 6th if you would like to take advantage of this availability.
Many people are helping out with this event. If you would like to help out by bringing food, helping to organize games, or in any other way, please visit the Signup Genius at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a0945ada8283-upper and let the organizers know!
Shira Goodman of CeaseFirePA to Keynote Horsham Dems Meeting July 17th
CeaseFirePA is a statewide organization working with mayors, police chiefs, faith leaders, community organizations, and individual Pennsylvanians to take a stand against gun violence. Through outreach, education, coalition building, and advocacy, CeaseFirePA works to reduce gun violence and gun tragedies in our communities, stop the flow of illegal guns onto our streets, and keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have them.
Shira Goodman is the Executive Director of CeasefirePA and was recently a primary candidate for the 4th PA Congressional District. On July 17th Shira will join us at our monthly Horsham Democratic Committee Public Meeting to discuss Gun Violence in PA and what you can do to help address it.
The meeting will be held at the Yuong Sang Presbyterian Church on Witmer Road beginning at 7PM. Please RSVP on our FB page at https://business.facebook.com/events/462285394224492/
Important EPA Meeting in Horsham July 25th
The EPA will hold an all-day event in Horsham, Pennsylvania on July 25, 2018 on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The event will include a working session in the morning, followed by a listening session. If you are interested in attending the event, please register here: https://www.epa.gov/pfas/forms/pfas-community-engagement-horsham-pa. Those interested in speaking should select the option to speak while registering. The event is open to the public and press.
Read more
Families Belong Together Event Draws 200
About 200 people attended the 'Families Belong Together" rally today at Kohler Park in Horsham.
The event was one of many hundreds of gatherings nationwide protesting the incarceration of children separated from their families at the U.S. Border.
The crowd heard from many speakers, including Madeleine Dean, the Democratic Candidate for the PA 4th Congressional District.
A photo album of the event can be seen here:
June 24 Update: "Families Belong Together" and more
June 30 "Families Belong Together" Event at Kohler Park
A gathering will be held at Kohler Park on Horsham Road on Saturday, June 30, 11AM - 1PM, as part of a larger day of nationwide action. The purpose is to oppose the separation of families at the border, the detention in camps without parents of young children and babies, the proposal of indefinite incarceration of families in military camps as a supposed relief, the criminalization of seeking refuge in America, and the demonization of families and children who arrive at the border seeking help.
You can RSVP for the event on our FB page at https://business.facebook.com/events/215107589107341/ or on MoveOn.org at at https://act.moveon.org/event/families-belong-together/20491/signup/. Please RSVP so we can ensure proper coordination on parking and other event logistics.
Speaking of parking: the parking lot at Kohler park is small and will fill up fast. Please consider parking at Kohler Fields and walking through the walking trails to the event location:
Event will include speakers to be announced soon.
Please Wear White: The lead partners of this action are calling upon participants to wear white—as a striking visual symbol that will also connect attendees in solidarity to each-other and channel historic social justice movements unified by one color of clothing.
If you wish to prepare for the event, or learn more about how events like this are organized nation wide:
Register for the Host Prep and Briefing Call on Monday, June 25, at 8 p.m. ET (7 CT/6 MT/5 PT), to hear updates and a briefing to help make sense of the latest breaking news. Organizers will also deliver a short training on how you can use our tech tools to reach your event attendees, address some of the issues most commonly raised by event hosts, and get your input and feedback.
Register for a Know Your Rights training, tonight, Sunday, June 24, at 8 p.m. ET (7 CT/6 MT/5 PT), offered by MoveOn, in partnership with the American Civil Liberties Union and the American Constitution Society. (Note: This is a deeper dive on one specific aspect of events. If you only attend one training call, make it the Host Training and Briefing Call on Monday.) This conversation with First Amendment experts will cover the specific legal issues you are most likely to encounter at a protest, and how you can access legal support before, during, and after your event.
Read more
Day of Action June 23rd
Our first choice for tomorrow is to go door-to-door. If you are up for that, please meet at noon as noted below at 812 Warren Rd, Ambler 19002. If the weather interferes with those plans, we will call instead.
We have the opportunity to support Sarah Johnson Rothman and Maria Collet this Saturday, June 23.
The weather threatens to disrupt the planned door-to-door canvass, so the campaigns want to mount a phone bank. The plan is to meet at Maria Collett's 812 Warren Road, Ambler 19002, between noon and 4 to kick off the general election campaign. If you have some time on Saturday, please bring your cell phone to Maria's and make some calls! There will be call sheets and scripts.
June 3: Water Found OK, Maria and Sarah in Horsham June 6th
Water Found OK, Boil Order Lifted
Democratic Member of Horsham Council Bill Gallagher confirmed today at the Executive Meeting of the Horsham Democratic Committee that no contamination in Horsham Water was found after a series of tests ordered when the chlorination unit at one of the Horsham wells was found to be not operating.
As described in this article, the Boil Water Order was lifted as soon as the tests came back negative, to the relief of many residents and businesses.
Horsham Day was a casualty of the water situation as well: Horsham Day itself was cancelled due to the water crisis and a very poor weather outlook. By the end of Saturday, with little precipitation and the Boil Water Order cancelled, things were looking better, but it was by all accounts an extremely difficult week for the township and water authority staff.
Horsham Day Fireworks, cancelled for yesterday, will be rescheduled for another time.
HDC Reorganization
Malcolm Stanley - Chair
Peggy Leiby - Treasurer
Lisa Cellini - Secretary
Natasha Malhotra Bagchi - Diversity
Mike Rodin - Phone Bank
Patrick Costello - Area 6
Support Maria Collett and Sara Johnson Rothman in Horsham!

RSVP: secure.actblue.com/donate/zipinjune
Questions: [email protected]
MCDC Reorganization
Schedule for Horsham Democratic Committee Meetings
After June 5th, Horsham Democratic Committee meetings will be held on the third Tuesday of every month until the General Election: July 17, August 21, September 18, and October 16. All Meetings will be held at the Yuong Sang Presbyterian Church on Witmer Road beginning at 7PM.
All of our meetings are now posted on our Facebook Page and on our website. Please RSVP, like, and share them with your friends!
Schedule for HDC Executive Committee Meetings
NOTE: There will be NO Executive Committee Meeting this coming Sunday, June 10, 2018.
The executive committee will be meeting regularly through the summer every Sunday am at 8am, at Peggy Leiby's barn, which is located at 524 Cedar Hill Road. Executive Committee meetings are where we plan events, coordinate activities, and set the direction for the committee. We never have enough people to do all that needs to be done, so all are welcome to attend.
Forward This Email
Do you know someone who may be interested in helping elect Democratic candidates? Please forward this email to them, or have them visit our website at http://www.horshamdems.org/help_out to opt in to our emails and get more involved.
URGENT: Horsham Issues 'Boil Water Notice'
Click on: https://www.horshamwater-sewer.com/sites/default/files/horsham_bwn_2018-05-31_final.pdf
This is an important notice from the Horsham Water & Sewer Authority sent May 31st, 2018 to customers of the Horsham water system within the area bounded by Limekiln Pike, County Line, Blair Mill and Welsh Roads.
Because of a malfunction of the disinfection system at one of our operating wells, Horsham Water & Sewer Authority advises you to use boiled or bottled water for drinking, making ice, brushing teeth, washing dishes, and food preparation until further notice. Bring water to a boil, boil it for 2 minutes and let it cool before use.
We will notify you as soon as it is no longer necessary to boil your water. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation.
For updates and questions, please go to the Horsham Water and Sewer Authority website at www.horshamwater-sewer.com or at 215-672-8011.
Update on Primary Election Results
Here is an update on the results of the Primary Election:
What was turnout like?
Democratic turnout in Horsham was 1614 or 22.06% of the registered Dems. This compares to 26.9% for the County.
Republican turnout was higher, 1685, but that was only 21.48% of registered Republicans, slightly higher than the 20.59% for the County.
Our turnout varied by precinct, with a high of 30.66% in 4-1, 30.13% in 3-3, and 28.50+ in 4-2 and 4-3. At the low end, 13.50% in 1-1, around 15% in 1-5 and around 15.5% in 1-3 and 4-4 (with 45% in 4-4 voting by absentee).
Thanks to Mike Rodin for the early analysis.
So Who Won?
In the race for Lt. Governor, the results were:
COZZONE, KATHLEEN M | 19.40% | 142,722 Votes |
FETTERMAN, JOHN K | 39.20% | 288,446 Votes |
STACK, MICHAEL J | 17.36% | 127,715 Votes |
SOSA, RAYMOND | 3.73% | 27,441 Votes |
AHMAD, NILOFER NINA | 20.32% | 149,531 Votes |
In the race in Congressional District 1, the results were:
17,288 Votes |
4,006 Votes |
27,652 Votes |
In the race for Congressional District 4, the results were:
42,625 Votes |
6,431 Votes |
9,645 Votes |
Who Are the Democratic Candidates for the Mid Term Election?
We're updated our poster, based the results above. These are the Democratic Candidates you will be able to vote for in the 2018 Midterm Election:
Thanks to Everyone Who Worked to Elect Democratic Candidates During the Primary Election!
There are too many people who worked this week, at the polls, as greeters, as canvassers, as phone bankers, to thank everyone by name. Please know your efforts are important and the work you did made a difference. Thank you for everything you did!
Weekly email: Sunday before Primary
Here is what you need to know:
These are the Polling places for the Primary on May 15th
Some of the polling places have changed for this election. Please take a moment and look below to make sure you know where to go on Tuesday:
Where do I vote in Horsham Township?
1-1 |
Keith Valley Middle School (front) |
227 Meetinghouse Road | 4 |
1-2 |
Blair Mill Elementary School |
109 Bender Road | 4 |
1-3 |
Horsham Battalion #1 |
315 Meetinghouse Road | 4 |
1-4 | Hallowell Elementary School |
501 West Moreland Ave (Recent Location Change) |
4 |
1-5 |
Keith Valley Middle School (side) |
227 Meetinghouse Road | 4 |
2-1 | Horsham Township Public Library |
435 Babylon Road (Recent Location Change) |
1 and 4 |
2-2 |
Simmons Elementary School |
411 Babylon Road | 4 |
2-3 | Horsham Township Public Library |
435 Babylon Road (Recent Location Change) |
4 |
2-4 |
Horsham Township Public Library |
435 Babylon Road | 4 |
3-1 |
VFW Post 9788 |
324 Saw Mill Lane | 4 |
3-2 |
Yuong Sang Presbyterian Church |
706 Witmer Road | 4 |
3-3 |
Lutheran Church of the Resurrection |
620 Welsh Road | 4 |
3-4 |
Hatboro-Horsham High School |
899 Horsham Road | 4 |
3-5 |
Hatboro-Horsham High School |
899 Horsham Road | 4 |
4-1 |
St. Matthew's Episcopal Church |
919 Tennis Avenue | 1 |
4-2 |
Horsham Fire Battalion #2 |
1023 Horsham Road | 1 and 4 |
4-3 |
Simmons Elementary School |
411 Babylon Road | 1 |
4-4 | Ukrainian American Sports Center | 1 Lower State Road (at County Line Rd.) | 1 |
Call for Poll Greeters on May 15th
Will you help by spending some time as a Poll Greeter? Even an hour of time can make a difference, as you greet people coming to vote, make sure they are in the right place, and help them to understand their choices. We will have greeters at all polling places in Horsham during the election, from 7am until polls close at 8pm. Will you help? Email us at [email protected].
Democratic Choices in Horsham for the Primary Election on May 15, 2018
Our newest blog post, http://www.horshamdems.org/democratic_choices_in_horsham_fo…, is a basic guide to the electoral races in the 2018 Primary Election on May 15th, including how to tell which Congressional District you are in and which candidates you can vote for. This handy infographic will help you understand your choices:
Thanks to Maria Collet and Sara Rothman Johnson for coming out and helping us with a phone bank Tuesday Night!
Join the fun and volunteer to help at Horsham Day on Saturday, June 2, 2018 Enjoy an hour or two by helping at this great community event! Each volunteer will receive a t-shirt and a coupon to be used at the snack bar. Please remember to include your t-shirt size when you sign up.
Horsham Committee Reorganization Meeting June 5th: Call for Nominations
Malcolm Stanley - Chair
Peggy Leiby - Treasurer
Lisa Cellini - Secretary
Natasha Malhotra Bagchi - Diversity
Mike Rodin - Phone Bank
Patrick Costello - Area 6
Do you know someone who may be interested in helping elect Democratic candidates? Please forward this email to them, or have them visit our website at http://www.horshamdems.org/help_out to opt in to our emails and get more involved.
Volunteers Needed for Horsham Day!

Join the fun and volunteer to help at Horsham Day on Saturday, June 2, 2018 Enjoy an hour or two by helping at this great community event! Each volunteer will receive a t-shirt and a coupon to be used at the snack bar. Please remember to include your t-shirt size when you sign up.