public meeting and endorsement
Please plan to attend our public monthly meeting at the Yuong Sang Presbyterian Church on 706 Witmer Road in Horsham this Tuesday, September 17, at 7 PM.
We will provide you with an update on our campaign activities for Horsham Township Council & Hatboro-Horsham School Board Candidates, and our plans to help ensure they all win on November 5th.
Proud to be endorsed by WLI
We are very excited and extremely proud to announce that both our candidates for Township Council, Lisa Cellini and Natasha Bagchi have been endorsed by the Montgomery County Democratic Women's Leadership Initiative. For more information about WLI go to
We are having a fundraiser on September 29, 2019
You've heard this before: Local elections are won in the summer!
But the results from the May primary show that door-to-door canvassing is the most effective way to get people to the polls. Data from the the primary show a double-digit increase in turnout from registered Democrats who were canvassed compared to similar Democrats who were not. It also didn’t matter if they were canvassed early or late in the campaign. That’s why we are canvassing over the summer and can use your help. Now that the weather is moderating, make a plan to canvass at least once between now and Labor Day. We will have experienced canvassers there to go out with you, so if you haven't canvassed before, no worries. It is also a great way to introduce your children (or grandchildren) to grass roots democracy. And, stay tuned for a big canvassing event after Labor Day.”
We are canvassing twice each week. Grab a hat, sunscreen and a water bottle and join us!
Pick up walk sheets between 10 and 11 AM on Saturdays at The Barn at 524 Cedar Hill Rd., Ambler 19002.
Wednesday afternoons 4-6 PM:
Meet at Council candidate Lisa Cellini’s house
Want to canvass on your own time? NO PROBLEM. Email Mike Rodin and he will send you walk sheets, or help get you started on MiniVAN, the digital way to canvass.
Please join us for a family picnic!
Please join us for a summer family picnic!
The Upper Dublin Democratic Committee & the Horsham Democratic Committee will host their Annual Summer Picnic.
Elected officials and candidates for office alike will be attending the Upper Dublin Democratic Committee and Horsham Democratic Committee’s Annual Summer Family Picnic on Sunday, July 14 at Mondauk Common Park Pavilion from 4 - 7pm.
At the event, families can enjoy live music, food, drinks and games.
State Senator Maria Collett (12th), State Representative Ben Sanchez (153rd), Montgomery County Commissioners Val Arkoosh and Ken Lawrence as well as candidates running for County Row Officer, Court of Common Pleas, the Upper Dublin Board of Commissioners and School Board Director will all speak at the event, rallying support for Democrats up and down the ticket.
Donations are suggested, as they will support campaign materials and financial assistance for candidates in Upper Dublin and Horsham. Help us win 2019 and send a message to Republicans!
Mondauk Common Park Pavilion, 1451 Dillion Rd, Ambler, PA 19002
Join us! More details at: Eventbrite RSVP
Local elections are won in the summer! And you can help us build the framework to win in 2019 and beyond! It's time to volunteer!
Saturday, July 13: Meet at the Barn, 524 Cedar Hill Rd., Ambler 19002 at 10:00 AM. Get some training, pick up walk sheets and go out and speak to voters that day, or at your convenience over the next 10 days.
Sunday, July 14: Meet at 1:00 PM at the back parking lot of Otto’s Brauhaus, 233 Easton Rd, Horsham 19044 and canvass with Sheriff Sean Kilkenny, the first Democratic Sheriff elected in Montgomery County (see more below) and School Board candidate DJ Schultz.
Have you ever wondered what the Sheriff does? Now is your chance to find out. Meet Sheriff Sean Kilkenny on Saturday, July 20 at 10:00 at the Barn 524 Cedar Hill Rd., Ambler 19002.
Sheriff Sean Kilkenny, elected in 2015 and running for re-election in 2019, is the first Democrat to serve as Montgomery County Sheriff. The Sheriff’s Office of 112 Deputies and 20 Administrative Staff is responsible for Courthouse Security, Prisoner Transport, Regional Bomb Detection and Suppression, and serving Legal Papers. Kilkenny has increased diversity in the Office by doubling the hiring of women and minorities since taking office, and under his leadership has fully implemented the use of body cameras for Deputies.
Joining Sheriff Kilkenny will be current Democratic Horsham office holders and our candidates for Council and School Board. Come learn about the issues facing Horsham and the candidates’ plans for the future.
We will then do some door-to-door canvassing to spread the word to Horsham voters. If you can’t canvass Saturday, no problem. Pick up your walk sheets and canvass on your own schedule.
Now is a great time to speak to voters and get them on board behind our candidates.
Wednesday, July 17: Join Council Candidate Natasah Bagchi and Sheriff Kilkenny at 4:00PM at Natasha’s house, 1385 Bryant Ct., Ambler 19002 and then head out to speak to voters.
We are also canvassing twice each week:
Pick up walk sheets between 10 and 11 AM on Saturdays at The Barn at 524 Cedar Hill Rd., Ambler 19002.
Wednesday afternoons 4-6 PM:
Meet at Council candidate Lisa Cellini’s house, 1201 Balmoral Way, Maple Glen 19002, every Wednesday, except for July 17, when we will start from Natasha Bagchi’s house at 1385 Bryant Ct., Ambler 19002.
Sheriff Kilkenny will be canvassing with us on the 17th!
Want to canvass on your own time? NO PROBLEM. Email Mike Rodin and he will send you walk sheets, or help get you started on MiniVAN, the digital way to canvass.
Meet the Candidates
These are the local candidates running in the election this year.
Horsham Council:
Hatboro-Horsham School Board:
Elections are Costly and Even a Small Contribution Can Make a Big Difference
Please make a donation today to support our candidates and our efforts to elect them.
Horsham Dems 2019 Meeting Schedule
Horsham Democratic Committee meets on the third Tuesday of each month. Our agenda includes presentations by candidates for public office, updates by elected officials, and practical information for committee members and guests. Our 2019 meeting schedule is as follows:
How to get involved
July 16th (cancelled)
August 20th
September 17th
October 15th
November 19th - This will be a post-election Celebration and Volunteer Appreciation event
All of our regular meetings are hosted at the Yuong Sang Presbyterian Church on Witmer Road in Horsham, beginning at 7PM.
You can find our complete event listing on Facebook here.
All About the 2019 Sample Primary Ballot
All About the 2019 Primary Sample Ballot
Montgomery County recently announced the implementation of new voting machines which will be used for the Primary Election on May 21st. These new voting machines use paper ballots which are are hand marked and then machine scanned. This allows for fast tallying of results while providing a paper trail that can be used in a manual recount to ensure the validity of the election results. Voters can view instructional videos about the new system here:
Because there is a new voting machine system in place, the sample ballots do not look like they have in the past. There are no longer button numbers to refer to. Combined with the practice of cross filing for offices like School Board Director, this makes it difficult for us to easily indicate to voters who the endorsed Democratic candidates are.
To address this potential confusion we have prepared the graphic below. It is based on a sample ballot provided by Montgomery County Voter Services and shows what you will see when you enter the voting booth on May 21st. We have augmented this sample ballot by highlighting in blue the endorsed Democratic candidates. You will NOT see the blue highlighting on May 21st: we are showing it here to help you understand which candidates have been endorsed. To vote for an endorsed candidate you will be instructed to fill in the round dot next to the name of the candidate. We have shown in this sample which dots to fill in to properly place your votes for the endorsed Democratic ticket.
We're Going Door to Door This Weekend: Will You Join Us?
The gathering place this and every Saturday is Peggy Leiby's barn at 524 Cedar Hill Road. We will provide current Walk Sheets, Clipboards, and Palm Cards, and any training required if you have not done this sort of thing before. We will meet at 10am to pick up materials, which may be returned at any time during the weekend to the provided drop-box.
Nothing is as effective as door to door outreach. As little as an hour can make a big difference in a Primary vote total.
Will you help us make a difference by telling Primary voters about our candidates on Saturday?
Will YOU Display a Lawn Sign?
Lawn signs are an easy way to signify support for Democratic candidates and help us raise awareness of who they are. By displaying a sign you also remind people of the upcoming election. Turnout matters for us as we tend to elect more candidates when turnout is higher.
Please help us raise awareness of Democratic candidates by placing signs for Democratic candidates on your property today.
Request a sign by clicking below and filling out the request form.
Your signs will be delivered to your home: you won't have to do a thing.
Can You Volunteer on Election Day May 21st?
Looking at the sample ballot above, you can see it will be very easy for voters to mark ballots for Republican candidates who have cross-filed onto the Democratic ballot. They will have no indication they are doing so, and for an uninformed voter, the ballot will be very confusing.
To address this concern, at every Polling place, during Election day, we ask people to serve as 'Greeters'. What does a greeter do? Just what it sounds like: Greet voters, answer any questions they may have, and ensure they know who the endorsed Democratic candidates are who they should vote for.
There are 14 polling places in Horsham, and they are open from 7am -8PM. Covering that many places for that long is difficult. Typically we divide the day up into shifts and ask people to volunteer for one or more time slots, during times of day that work with their individual schedules.
Peggy Leiby is finalizing the schedule for election day and volunteers are still needed! Please call Peggy today at 215 643-4397 and volunteer for this important role.
Elections are Costly and Even a Small Contribution Can Make a Big Difference
Please make a donation today to support our candidates and our efforts to elect them.
Meet the Candidates
These are the local candidates running in the election this year:
Horsham Council:
Hatboro-Horsham School Board:
Horsham Dems 2019 Meeting Schedule
Horsham Democratic Committee meets on the third Tuesday of each month. Our agenda includes presentations by candidates for public office, updates by elected officials, and practical information for committee members and guests. Our 2019 meeting schedule is as follows:
May 21st (also Primary Election day, so this may turn into an after-party, stay tuned!)
June 18th
July 16th
August 20th
September 17th
October 15th
November 19th - This will be a post-election Celebration and Volunteer Appreciation event
All of our regular meetings are hosted at the Yuong Sang Presbyterian Church on Witmer Road in Horsham, beginning at 7PM. You can find our complete event listing on Facebook here.
Don't Just Read and Get Angry... DO Something!
Don't just read and get angry. DO something.
Breaking: There is a Primary Election on May 21st!
All politics is local. Help us elect the candidates running today, so we are stronger for the fight. We're out again tomorrow, going door to door with palm cards and yard signs and absentee ballot requests. It makes a difference. Make a difference with us
We're Going Door to Door This Weekend: Will You Join Us?
The gathering place this and every Saturday is Peggy Leiby's barn at 524 Cedar Hill Road. We will provide current Walk Sheets, Clipboards, and Palm Cards, and any training required if you have not done this sort of thing before. We will meet at 10am to pick up materials, which may be returned at any time during the weekend to the provided drop-box.
Nothing is as effective as door to door outreach. As little as an hour can make a big difference in a Primary vote total.
Will you help us make a difference by telling Primary voters about our candidates on Saturday?
Will YOU Display a Lawn Sign?
We get it, you are mad, and no-one is doing anything about it. Steny Hoyer is even saying 'Don't Impeach', what's up with that?
If you want elected's to do their job, you need to do yours. if you will not stand up and say "I'm a Democrat and I've had enough!", why should Democratic leadership listen to you? and NOTHING CHANGES.
Many people in Horsham are frightened to display a Democratic Party lawn sign: what would the neighbors think? Maybe my garbage will not get picked up. Bad things might happen.
Well guess what? There are more of us than you might think, but nobody knows that because everyone is waiting for someone else to make the first move. Your garbage will still get picked up, and nothing bad will happen because you put a sign on your lawn. Not putting a sign out, on the other hand, makes it seem like there is nothing to oppose the bad things happening elsewhere.
It is time to represent. Be a leader: click the link, request your signs, and voice your anger by supporting the candidates we can elect today, so we are stronger in the campaigns to come.
Request a sign by clicking below and filling out the request form.
We will contact you and arrange for a time for your sign(s) to be delivered to your home.
Can You Volunteer on Election Day May 21st?
At every Polling place, during Election day, we ask people to serve as 'Greeters'. What does a greeter do? Just what it sounds like: Greet voters, answer any questions they may have, and ensure they know who the endorsed Democratic candidates are who they should vote for.
There are 14 polling places in Horsham, and they are open from 7am -8PM. Covering that many places for that long is difficult. Typically we divide the day up into shifts and ask people to volunteer for one or more time slots, during times of day that work with their individual schedules.
To schedule volunteers to perform this important task, there is a signup genius (of course there is :-)). Please go there now and sign up for a shift as a volunteer greeter and hep us ensure that voters know who to vote for on Primary Day!
None of This is Free. Can you Help Us Pay For Our Defence of Democracy?
Palm Cards, Signs, Web Sites, Candidate Videos. All of this costs $. We're not spending like drunken sailors, but money is going out the door and there is always another expense.
Elections are costly and even a small contribution can make a big difference.
Please make a donation today to support our candidates and our efforts to elect them.
Meet the Candidates
These are the local candidates running in the election this year:
Horsham Council:
Hatboro-Horsham School Board:
Horsham Dems 2019 Meeting Schedule
Horsham Democratic Committee meets on the third Tuesday of each month. Our agenda includes presentations by candidates for public office, updates by elected officials, and practical information for committee members and guests. Our 2019 meeting schedule is as follows:
May 21st (also Primary Election day, so this may turn into an after-party, stay tuned!)
June 18th
July 16th
August 20th
September 17th
October 15th
November 19th - This will be a post-election Celebration and Volunteer Appreciation event
All of our regular meetings are hosted at the Yuong Sang Presbyterian Church on Witmer Road in Horsham, beginning at 7PM. You can find our complete event listing on Facebook here.
Four Ways to Help Us Win
Suggestion #1: Help Us Make Sure Voters Know There is a Primary on May 21, and Who The Candidates Are
Many voters do not live politics day to day, and may not know there is a Primary Election coming up. Others, who are aware of this fact, may not know who is running.
As we've said before, the school board primary includes Republican candidates cross-filed onto the Democratic ballot. An uninformed Democratic voter could easily vote for one or more by mistake, and help deny true Democratic candidates their places on the ballot for the General election in November.
The only sure way to ensure we get the votes we need to secure the places of the endorsed Democratic candidates on the ballot in November is to make sure people know who they are. The best way to communicate that information is directly. That means going door to door, reaching out to Democratic Voters, and telling them about the candidates and the need to vote for them on May 21st.
We're going door to door this weekend: will you join us?
The gathering place this and every Saturday is Peggy Leiby's barn at 524 Cedar Hill Road. We will provide current Walk Sheets, Clipboards, and Palm Cards, and any training required if you have not done this sort of thing before. We will meet at 10am to pick up materials, which may be returned at any time during the weekend to the provided drop-box.
Nothing is as effective as door to door outreach. As little as an hour can make a big difference in a Primary vote total.
Will you help us make a difference by telling Primary voters about our candidates on Saturday?
Suggestion #2: Display a Lawn Sign
Often as we interact with people in Horsham, they will say things like "Oh, you're a Democrat! There AREN'T a lot of us, are there?"
Thing is, there ARE a lot of Democrats in Horsham. Horsham returned President Obama when he first ran, and Hilary Clinton when she opposed Donald Trump. In the election just last fall we elected (now) State Senator Maria Collett in almost every precinct.
There are plenty of Democrats in Horsham, but people are not aware of this because there is a lack of obvious social proof. What is social proof? Simply, when people openly and visibly support something, it signals to their neighbors it is OK for them to do it as well. Public support by people you know is a social proof the thing they are supporting is OK.
In elections, lawn signs are the most simple and obvious social proof there is. By putting a literal sign on your lawn with a candidates name on it, you are providing a social proof to those around you that it is OK to support that candidate, and by extension their political party as well.
We are hopeful that in this election many people will vote for our candidates, and that they will win. This will be made much easier if there is more social proof of the community support for them. If signs are a measure of that support, the more signs on people's lawns, the easier it will be for our candidates to win.
These are the lawn signs we will be using for our candidates this year. Will you help us provide social proof of our support for our candidates, and help us show just how many of us there really are, by placing one on your lawn today?
Request a sign by clicking below and filling out the request form.
We will contact you and arrange for a time for your sign(s) to be delivered to your home.
Suggestion #3: Volunteer at the Polls on Election Day
We're going to knock on every door we can between now and May 21st, and people will still show up at the polls and not know where they should go to vote, or who the Democratic candidates are. What can we do about that?
At every Polling place, during Election day, we ask people to serve as 'Greeters'. What does a greeter do? Just what it sounds like: Greet voters, answer any questions they may have, and ensure they know who the endorsed Democratic candidates are who they should vote for.
There are 14 polling places in Horsham, and they are open from 7am -8PM. Covering that many places for that long is difficult. Typically we divide the day up into shifts and ask people to volunteer for one or more time slots, during times of day that work with their individual schedules.
For instance, there is a polling place at Keith Valley Middle School. We would like to have two people there at all times, but it is not reasonable to expect anyone to volunteer to be there from 7AM to 8PM. Instead, we assign shifts, 7AM - 10AM, 10AM - 1PM, 1PM -4PM, and 4PM - 7PM . Having shifts allows volunteers to schedule a part of their day for this important task, while leaving time for other things.
To schedule volunteers to perform this important task, there is a signup genius (of course there is :-)). Please go there now and sign up for a shift as a volunteer greeter and hep us ensure that voters know who to vote for on Primary Day!
Suggestion #4: Make a Donation
If for some reason you cannot participate in our activities, you can still support the Horsham Democratic Committee in our efforts to elect Democratic Candidates. Elections are costly and even a small contribution can make a big difference. Please make a donation today to support our candidates and our efforts to elect them.
Meet the Candidates
These are the local candidates running in the election this year:
Horsham Council:
Hatboro-Horsham School Board:
Horsham Dems 2019 Meeting Schedule
Horsham Democratic Committee meets on the third Tuesday of each month. Our agenda includes presentations by candidates for public office, updates by elected officials, and practical information for committee members and guests. Our 2019 meeting schedule is as follows:
April 16th
May 21st (also Primary Election day, so this may turn into an after-party, stay tuned!)
June 18th
July 16th
August 20th
September 17th
October 15th
November 19th - This will be a post-election Celebration and Volunteer Appreciation event
All of our regular meetings are hosted at the Yuong Sang Presbyterian Church on Witmer Road in Horsham, beginning at 7PM. You can find our complete event listing on Facebook here.
Why Cross Filing Means Candidate Name Recognition is So Important
School Board Cross Filing Means Candidate Name Recognition is Very Important
Cross Filing 101
In the Hatboro-Horsham School District, during a Primary Election, candidates are allowed to 'Cross File' as members of the opposing party. This allows candidates of one party to gather votes from the Primary of the other party. Those votes count, and can lead to a situation where a candidate wins a position on the ballot in the general election, even though they are a member of the other party.
To illustrate this situation, here is a mock up showing the positions of the candidates on the Democratic ballot for Hatboro-Horsham School Board in the May 21st Primary:
There are four positions open in this race: each person voting can vote for four candidates.
The first candidate who will appear on the ballot, Susan Hunsinger Hoff, is an endorsed Democratic candidate. The next three ballot positions will be occupied by Republicans who have cross filed to appear on the Democratic Primary ballot. This means that if a person goes into the voting booth and picks the first four names on the ballot, three of their votes will go to Republicans!
As Democrats, we do not want this to happen. We want people to know they should vote for Susan Hunsinger Hoff, then skip the next three names, vote for Denise DJ Schultz and Theresa Brown, then skip yet another name and finally vote for David P. Brown Sr. to round out the endorsed Democratic ticket.
This is a tall ask: we need voters to be informed about the candidates, and be able on election day to choose the genuine Democratic candidates from a list of names they may not be familiar with. How do we make sure that happens?
This is where you come in
The only sure way to ensure we get the votes we need to secure the places of the endorsed Democratic candidates on the ballot in November is to make sure people know who they are. The best way to communicate that information is directly. That means going door to door, reaching out to Democratic Voters, and telling them about the candidates and the need to vote for them on May 21st.
We're going door to door this weekend: will you join us?
The gathering place this and every Saturday is Peggy Leiby's barn at 524 Cedar Hill Road. We will provide current Walk Sheets, Clipboards, and Palm Cards, and any training required if you have not done this sort of thing before. We will meet at 10am to pick up materials, which may be returned at any time during the weekend to the provided drop-box.
Nothing is as effective as door to door outreach. As little as an hour can make a big difference in a Primary vote total.
Will you help us make a difference by telling Primary voters about our candidates on Saturday?
Wait, there's more!
We're going to knock on every door we can between now and May 21st, and people will still show up at the polls and not know who the candidates are. What can we do about that?
At every Polling place, during election day, we ask people to serve as 'Greeters'. What does a greeter do? Just what it sounds like: Greet voters, answer any questions they may have, and ensure they know who the endorsed Democratic candidates are who they should vote for.
There are 14 polling places in Horsham, and they are open from 7am -8PM. Covering that many places for that long is difficult, but with your help, even of ran hour, we can do it.
To schedule volunteers to perform this important task, there is a signup genius (of course there is :-)). Please go there now and sign up for a shift as a volunteer greeter and hep us ensure that voters know who to vote for on Primary Day!
In these ways we can ensure that that even though cross filing means that Republicans are on the ballot for Democratic School Board election spots, voters at the polls will know who to vote for, and who not to vote for, making sure that we elect endorsed Democratic candidates on Primary election day May 21st.
Will you help us? Please sign up now.
Meet the Candidates
These are the local candidates running in the election this year:
Horsham Council:
Hatboro-Horsham School Board:
If for some reason you cannot participate in our activities, you can still support the Horsham Democratic Committee in our efforts to elect Democratic Candidates. Elections are costly and even a small contribution can make a big difference. Please make a donation today to support our candidates and our efforts to elect them.
Horsham Dems 2019 Meeting Schedule
Horsham Democratic Committee meets on the third Tuesday of each month. Our agenda includes presentations by candidates for public office, updates by elected officials, and practical information for committee members and guests. Our 2019 meeting schedule is as follows:
April 16th
May 21st (also Primary Election day, so this may turn into an after-party, stay tuned!)
June 18th
July 16th
August 20th
September 17th
October 15th
November 19th - This will be a post-election Celebration and Volunteer Appreciation event
All of our regular meetings are hosted at the Yuong Sang Presbyterian Church on Witmer Road in Horsham, beginning at 7PM. You can find our complete event listing on Facebook here.
Happy Pi Day! Upcoming Events and Activities
Caryn Leifer To Keynote Horsham Dems March Meeting with Update on Medicare for All
Join us on Tuesday, March 19th for our monthly public meeting of the Horsham Democratic Committee.
Our agenda includes presentations by candidates for public office, updates by elected officials, and practical information for committee members and guests.
This month our keynote presentation is provided by our own Caryn Leifer, who will provide an update on activities related to Medicare for All.
Following the keynote, we will be providing information on our weekly program of door to door voter outreach in support of local candidates, which begins on Saturday, March 23rd.
This gathering will be hosted at the Yuong Sang Presbyterian Church on Witmer Road in Horsham, beginning at 7PM.
Direct Door to Door Voter Outreach Wins Elections. Will You Help Us Win?
Door to door direct voter outreach, also called 'canvassing', is the single most effective thing a person can do to help a candidate win an election.
To support our local Horsham candidates we will be conducting a door to door voter outreach program happening every Saturday beginning on Mar 23rd and ending on May 18, the Saturday before the Primary Election.
The gathering place each Saturday is Peggy Leiby's barn at 524 Cedar Hill Road. Current Walk Sheets, Clipboards, and Palm Cards will be available for distribution beginning at 10am every Saturday, and may be returned at any time during the weekend to the provided drop-box.
Walkers are encouraged to RSVP on our facebook page, and to draw attention to these events to attract more canvassers. We will provide training for people who are new to this type of outreach, and pair people up so no one is asked to walk alone.
Meet the Candidates
These are the local candidates running in the election this year:
Horsham Council:
Hatboro-Horsham School Board:
If for some reason you cannot participate in our activities, you can still support the Horsham Democratic Committee in our efforts to elect Democratic Candidates. Elections are costly and even a small contribution can make a big difference. Please make a donation today to support our candidates and our efforts to elect them.
Horsham Dems 2019 Meeting Schedule
Horsham Democratic Committee meets on the third Tuesday of each month. Our agenda includes presentations by candidates for public office, updates by elected officials, and practical information for committee members and guests. Our 2019 meeting schedule is as follows:
April 16th
May 21st (also Primary Election day, so this may turn into an after-party, stay tuned!)
June 18th
July 16th
August 20th
September 17th
October 15th
November 19th - This will be a post-election Celebration and Volunteer Appreciation event
All of our regular meetings are hosted at the Yuong Sang Presbyterian Church on Witmer Road in Horsham, beginning at 7PM. You can find our complete event listing on Facebook here.
Come Party with us... and support your local democracy!
Democracy depends on free and fair elections. To have such elections, candidates must be on the ballot. For candidates to be on the ballot, the people must ask for them to be there. In Pennsylvania this is accomplished through candidate petitions: registered members of each party sign petitions asking for individual candidates to be included on the ballot of the Primary election, which will be held on May 21st this year.
An important first step in helping us elect Democratic Candidates in this election cycle is attending a petition signing event and registering your request that Democratic candidates be included on the Primary Ballot.
There are two events coming up where you can do this easily and quickly, while having fun in the process!
Horsham Democratic Committee Annual Petition Signing Party!
There will be petitions for candidates for:
- Horsham Council
- Hatboro-Horsham School Board
- Montgomery County Commissioners
- Montgomery County Judges
- Montgomery County Row Offices
Free Notary Services will be available for signed petitions.
Donations Welcomed
Minimal $10 Silver $25 Gold $50 Platinum $100
Music, Light Fare and Desserts will be served.
Thursday, February 28, 2019
6:00 PM- 9:00 PM
Local Union 542 Operating Engineers Hall
1700 block of Susquehanna Rd in Dresher
Entrance on Susquehanna Rd
Parking in rear of building
Petition signing is the first step in electing Democratic candidates: if the petitions are not signed, they are not on the primary ballot. Come participate in this important activity which underlies our democracy.
Area 7 Petition Signing Breakfast and Candidate Meet and Greet
Join us for breakfast at Palz Tap House, 1902 County Line Rd, Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania 19006, sign a few petitions and meet the candidates who will be running at the township and county level. Candidates we'll be hearing from include school board, commissioners, Common Please Court judges and more.
$20.00 Committee Persons
$25.00 Members at Large and Guests
Additional Contributions are welcome!
Meet the Candidates
These are the local candidates we will be gathering signatures for:
Horsham Council:
Hatboro-Horsham School Board:
If for some reason you cannot participate in our activities, you can still support the Horsham Democratic Committee in our efforts to elect Democratic Candidates. Elections are costly and even a small contribution can make a big difference. Please make a donation today to support our candidates and our efforts to elect them.
Thanks for reading this far: we hope to see you on Thursday, on Saturday, and at one of our many upcoming campaign events!
Get to Know Susan4GoodDigitalCitizens!
Susan Hunsinger Hoff has announced her run for Hatboro-Horsham School Board.
Who is Susan Hunsinger Hoff?
In her own words:
"I am a long-time resident of Horsham and Hatboro, spending the first 21 years of my life in Horsham. I am a retired educator and current resident of Hatboro. I began my professional career in the Philadelphia Public School System, teaching 4th grade in North Philadelphia, and later serving for 42 years as a teacher of 5th grade at Germantown Academy in Fort Washington. I also taught for 11 of my 44 teaching years in the Master’s Degree Program at Chestnut Hill College, as adjunct professor of curricular technology to prospective reading specialists and master teachers.
Throughout my work as curricular technology coordinator, I received numerous grants through which I pursued a variety of topics, including electronic portfolio assessment, skills-based hands-on instruction through interactive whiteboards, digital citizenship, differentiated math instruction, multicultural view of American history, literacies in an interdisciplinary curriculum, and the integration of mobile devices into the K-12 curriculum. I presented at international, national, and local conferences, including the International Society for Technology in Education, The Delaware Valley Reading Association, and the National Staff Development Council.
Since my retirement in 2014, I have remained active in the educational community. I served on the Advisory Board of The Center on Innovations in Learning (CIL), “a national content center established to work with regional comprehensive centers and state education agencies and build their capacity to stimulate, select, implement, and scale up innovations in learning.” In 2016, CIL published my work, a “Practice Guide” entitled Personalized Learning with Digital Devices that describes best practices and presents innovative ideas for personalizing instruction through the use of mobile devices.
I currently hold the position of Vice President in charge of charitable giving for the Woman’s Club of Suburban Philadelphia, a nonprofit group that supports the educational, emotional, and physical needs of children in Montgomery and Bucks Counties."
What is Susan's signature issue?
Digital Citizenship
"I want to work with Hatboro-Horsham Schools to keep our children safe, both in the actual world and the virtual cyber world. I have much experience in developing K-12 curriculum that addresses the scope and sequence of skills needed to be happy, successful, and safe as digital citizens.
During my last two years of teaching I chaired a K-12 committee on “Digital Citizenship," working on curriculum that addressed topics such as online privacy and security, media literacy, online communication skills, cyberbullying, internet safety, self-image and online identity, relationships, and reputation. I believe these topics need to be addressed throughout the K-12 curriculum in every discipline and unit of study to assure a happy and healthy future for our children… and our country!"
You can find Susan on the web at Go there now to sign up for periodic messages from her campaign, and make a small donation to support her run for Hatboro-Horsham School Board.
Susan Hunsinger-Hoff Announces Run for Hatboro-Horsham School Board
Malcolm Stanley
267 251 9479.
[email protected]
Susan Hunsinger-Hoff Announces Run for Hatboro-Horsham School Board
Event held by Horsham Democratic Committee showcases strength of support for Democratic Candidates in upcoming municipal elections
Susan Hunsinger-Hoff announced her 2019 run for the Hatboro-Horsham School Board at the Ukrainian American Sport Center on Thursday night. As an educator, Susan has worked with public, parochial and independent school teachers throughout her forty-four year. In her capacity as instructional technology specialist, she worked with students, teachers, parents and school boards from preschool to postgraduate level, taught a graduate level course in educational technology, and chaired several pre-k-12 committees on digital citizenship and internet safety. Susan grew up in Horsham and currently resides in Hatboro.
The announcement was made at a ‘Candidate Reveal’ event where a slate of local council and school board candidates was unveiled. The event was attended by Democratic Party leaders from Horsham and Montgomery County, as well as numerous elected officials at the state and local level.
Susan Hunsinger-Hoff brings many different perspectives, skill sets, and insights to the Hatboro-Horsham School District. She currently serves as the VP in charge of charitable giving for The Woman’s Club of Suburban Philadelphia which raises money for local children’s charities.
Current School Board member Jennifer Wilson introduced Susan at the event. “Residents want the Hatboro-Horsham School District to pursue initiatives that benefit our students and use the latest in educational technology and techniques. Susan is well-positioned to help us achieve those goals."
For more information, or to donate to the campaign, visit