Horsham Twp. Comrehensive Plan Survey
Please help to give your feedback to inform the Horsham Township Comprehensive Plan by completing this survey.
To learn more about the process of drafting a new comprehensive plan and to read the existing comprehensive plan, visit the Comprehensive Plan Update page of the Horsham Township Website.
Summer Door Knocking with Turn PA Blue
There is a canvassing event Sunday, July 17, 12–3 PM, in Horsham Township, sign up here; and every Wednesday until November 8, various locations, sign up here. If you prefer a different schedule, Field Coordinator Babs Klein will be happy to set you up with walk lists that you can use at your convenience.
July Meeting Date
The incorrect date was published in our June 21st meeting agenda - please note that the next HDC Meeting will take place on Tuesday, July 19th.
2022 Request a Lawn Sign
Request a campaign lawn sign - lawn signs can be placed all summer long before our upcoming November election. Use this form to request the specific lawn signs you would like. Please note, there is low inventory for some campaign lawn signs at this time but we will continue to work on getting more!
National Phone Bank Lunchtime Info Sessions
Turn PA Blue has two National Phone Bank Lunchtime Info Sessions coming up Tuesday, August 9th and Tuesday, August 23rd. Sign up now to get informed and get involved!
Save the Date! Area 6 Picnic on August 7th
The Area 6 (Horsham and Upper Dublin) Annual Picnic will take place on August 7th at Mondauk Park in Upper Dublin - mark the date in your calendar now. If you're able to help on the picnic committee, please reach out to Amanda Jones [email protected] to volunteer.
Sister Districts Phonebank Opportunities
Join Turn PA Blue and Sister Districts every Thursday!